Anderson County, KY USGenWeb

Anderson County, situated in Kentucky's Bluegrass region, was established on January 16, 1827, from parts of Franklin, Mercer, and Washington counties. It was named in honor of Richard Clough Anderson, Jr. (1788-1826), who served as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the first U.S. minister to Columbia, and was the nephew of General George Rogers Clark. The county seat, Lawrenceburg, is located about 30 miles west of Lexington,12 miles south of Frankfort, and over 50 miles east of Louisville, having been incorporated initially as Lawrence in 1820.
Anderson County is bordered by the Kentucky River and Woodford County to the east, Mercer County the south southeast, Washington County to the south southwest, Nelson County to the west, Spencer County to the northwest, Shelby County to the north, and Franklin County to the north. The Bluegrass Parkway runs through southern Anderson, while I-64 is located just north of the county.
The beautiful County Courthouse, shown above, is the second and current courthouse, built in the early 1860. Designed by Dennis Haly of Frankfort, with his brother the construction contract, it underwent remodeling in 1905 that involved moving the front wall and reducing cupola's size. A fire on April 13, 1915, nearly destroyed the courthouse, leaving only the outer walls intact. Plans from the firm Joseph and Joseph were approved to rebuild using the original walls, resulting in a Beaux-Arts design crafted by A.J. Stair of Knoxville, Tennessee, at a total cost of $39,146.
Our neighboring counties include Franklin, Mercer, Nelson, Shelby, Spencer, Washington, and Woodford.
I am currently revamping the Anderson County, KY website, so please be patient. You can visit the original site here for information not yet available on this page.
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