Bible Records
Last May 2001 my 'cousin' Thomas E Herod died in Versailles, Woodford, KY. The administrator of his estate shared Thomas' keepsakes with me, among which was info copied from a bible record of Richard Edward Crockett, who was Thomas Herod's G/grandfather, and I'd like to share this info with the CROCKETT family. I do not have the bible itself. Richard E. Crockett - b. 1827 (location not given), m. 1st Ann Rebecca Belt on 25 Oct 1849. Their children were William A. Crockett, Samuel Overton Crockett and Sarah Belle Crockett - (T. Herod's grandmother). After the death of Ann Rebecca (Belt) Crockett on 4 Dec 1856, Richard m. 2nd Sallie Allison. Their children were: Florence A Crockett, Mattie Crockett, Addie L Crockett, William Robert Crockett, Rosa Crockett and Lelia Crockett. Sarah Bell Crockett (1855-1916) m. Thomas Mahin and they lived in Woodford County. Will be glad to share this info with the Crockett, Belt and Allison descendants. Marge Fuller Email: Grandmargy@aol.com